Is Dreamtime Aroha a Registered Charity?
Dreamtime Aroha are not a registered charity.
What is the Best Way to Stay Updated about Fundraising Goals?
We will always post updates to our social channels including when we reach the goal for a given fundraising effort.
What About Funds Entered After the Goal is Reached?
Any funds that come in after we close the mutual aid or funds that are not given a description will be used to help others at Dreamtime Aroha's discretion.
What Can I Do to Reach Dreamtime Aroha About Financial Aid?
I would like to add that Dreamtime Aroha gets approximately five messages a day asking for financial assistance for food, housing and other essentials. The unfortunate reality is Dreamtime Aroha cannot help everybody but we definitely try to prioritise people that are facing starvation, domestic violence or are in extreme poverty.